Oberlin Marketing

Supporting the Direction of Your Business

We are a marketing organization committed to the service and support of insurance professionals.

Oberlin Marketing (OM) offers insurance agents top quality products for Group Health, Individual Health, Short Term Medical, Long Term Care, Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage Plans, Prescription Drug Plans, Life, Annuities, Disability Income and many other products. OM also provides products for Special Market needs & holds approved Continuing Education classes. OM is fully committed to the comprehensive service of the agent.

OM has assembled a team of professionals dedicated to you, the Insurance Professional, to provide quality products, top level contracts and superior support services. OM has an established distribution system and through it we license, train, advise and provide competitive analyses, proposals, research and marketing assistance. We process applications and expedite the underwriting progress—from submission through policy issue.


Dan Oberlin found he could build a business by helping other people build theirs

Anyone who has attended a significant local or regional insurance event in the last decade or so has seen the name “Oberlin Marketing”. Whether it’s on the signs, programs, in conversation, or on stage, Oberlin Marketing has become a respected name for insurance agents and professionals in the Midwest . . .